Hooper Tire Outlet’s Maintenance Checklist

Keeping tires well-maintained provides good handling and traction on the road no matter what the road conditions are, which adds up to improved safety for you and your family.

Here is a checklist of tips to help you maintain your tires:

  1. Your tire pressure should be checked monthly. 

    Each month, tires can lose approximately one pound per square inch (PSI) of air - and even more in colder climates. If you are relying on your mechanic when you bring your car in, you may be putting yourself and your passengers at risk. 

    The leading cause of tire-related crashes is underinflation. Why? Because underinflated tires decrease handling and gas mileage which can lead to premature tread wear and a disastrous blowout. 

    You can find the appropriate tire pressures for your car by checking the owner’s manual or the placard on your car’s door frame.

  2. Inspect tires on a regular basis, especially before long trips. 

    When you wash your car or check tire pressure, get in the habit of doing a tire inspection. Look for things like bulges, cracks, or objects that may have punctured it. If you find a puncture, you may need to replace the tires.

    Before heading on a long road trip, check your tire pressure and inspect your tires carefully. It’s much safer doing it in the comfort of your own garage or on your driveway than on a shoulder of a highway with cars speeding past you. 

  3. Rotate your tires regularly.

    To get maximum wear while getting even tread wear, Hooper Tire Outlet recommends you rotate your tires every 6,000 to 8,000 miles. Some local stores provide free tire rotation when you purchase your tires with them. If not, it’s fairly inexpensive. 

  4. Don’t put an excessive amount of weight on your tires.

    The placard on your door frame will tell you how much weight your vehicle can safely handle. Overburdening a vehicle will cause it to handle improperly and may cause the tires to fail you. 

  5. Don’t wait until your tire tread is low to replace them. 

    Tires may be expensive but driving past their useful life puts you in danger. 

    As explained in an earlier blog, using the penny test to check tread depth is a very useful trick. Turning the penny so Abraham Lincoln’s head is between the tread, be sure you are able to see the top of his head. If you can't see it, it's time to purchase new ones. 

  6. Don’t mismatch tires. 

    If you have mismatched tires, it can impact your car’s handling and cause unusual wear and tear on the other tires as well as other parts of your car. 

    Always buy at least two tires at a time and put them on the rear no matter what your car type is. By putting them on the rear of the vehicle, you will get better handling in wet conditions. If you continue to use worn tires on the rear of your car, you’re in jeopardy of causing a spinout. 

Bring your car into Hooper Tire Outlet anytime to get cheap, used tires with great treads  that will give you miles and miles of safety.